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10th Kup Grading

White belt (going for yellow tag)

  • 10 Press ups

  • 10 Sit ups

  • 10 Straight jumps

  • Four directional punch (Saju Jirugi)

  • Four directional block (Saju Makgi)

  • Sitting stance single punch (Annun so jirugi)

  • Front rising kick (Apcha ollogi)

  • Walking stance middle obverse punch (Gunnun so kaunde baro jirugi)

  • Walking stance middle inner forearm block (Gunnun so kaunde an palmok makgi)

  • Walking stance middle inner forearm block and middle reverse punch (Gunnun so kaunde an palmok makgi wa kaunde bandae jirugi)

  • Front snap kick (Apcha busigi)




What are the tenets of Taekwon-Do?

Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, Indomitable Spirit


What country does Taekwon-Do come from?



What is the training suit called in Korean?



What is the training area/hall called in Korean?



Who is your Instructor?

Jonathan Marshall V Dan


Who founded Taekwon-Do?

Grand Master General Choi Hong Hi

9th Kup Grading

Yellow tag (going for yellow belt)

  • 20 Press ups

  • 20 Sit ups

  • 20 Straight jumps

  • Four directional block (Saju Makgi)

  • Pattern Chon-Ji (Chon-Ji tul)

  • Sitting stance two continuous punches (Annun so doo jirugi)

  • Front snap kick then walking stance obverse punch and reverse punch (Apcha busigi wa gunnun so baro jirugi wa bandae jirugi)

  • Front rising kick (Apcha ollogi)

  • Walking stance middle block reverse punch (Gunnun so kaunde an palmok makgi wa bandae jirugi)

  • L-Stance middle inner forearm block ( Niunja so kaunde an palmok makgi)

  • L-Stance forearm guarding block (Niunja so palmok daebi makgi)




What is the meaning of pattern Chon-Ji?

Means literally "the heaven and the earth". It is in the Orient, it is interpreted as the creation of the world or the beginning of human history, therefore, it is the initial pattern played by the beginner. The pattern consists of two similar parts; one to represent the Heaven and the other the Earth.


What is low section in Korean?



What is the training suit called in Korean?



What is the training area/hall called in Korean?



What is walking stance in Korean?

Gunnun sogi


What country is Taekwon-Do from?


8th Kup Grading

Yellow belt (going for green tag)

  • 20 Press ups

  • 20 Sit ups

  • 20 Straight jumps

  • Pattern Chon-Ji (Chon-Ji tul)

  • Pattern Dan-Gun (Dan-Gun tul)

  • Walking stance low block rising block ( Gunnun so najunde bakat palmok makgi wa chukyo makgi)

  • Front snap kick then walking stance obverse punch then reverse punch ( Apcha busigi wa gunnun so baro jirug wa bandae jirugi)

  • L-stance outward knife hand side strike ( Niunja so wa bakuro sonkal yop taerigi)

  • L-stance knife hand guarding block ( Niunja so wa palmok daebi makgi)

  • L-stance Twin forearm block (Niunja so wa sang palmok makgi)

  • Three step sparring (Sambo matsogi)




What is the meaning of Dan-Gun?

Is named after the holy Dan-Gun, legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 BC.


Who founded Taekwon-Do?

Grand Master General Choi Hong Hi


What does I.T.F stand for?

International Taekwon-Do Federation


What is middle section in Korean?



What does yellow belt mean?

Signifies the Earth from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the foundation of Taekwon-Do is being laid.


What does U.T.A stand for?

Unified Taekwon-Do Association

7th Kup Grading

Green tag (going for green belt)

  • 20 Press ups

  • 20 Sit ups

  • 20 Straight jumps

  • Pattern Dan-Gun (Dan-Gun tul)

  • Pattern Do-San (Do-San tul)

  • Three step sparring (Sambo matsogi)

  • Semi free sparring (Ban jayo matsogi) basic

  • Walking stance wedging block (Gunnun so hecho makgi)

  • Left and right side piercing kick (Yop cha jirugi)

  • Left and right turning kick (Dollyo chagi)




What is the meaning of Do-San?

Is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Chang-Ho (1876-1938). The 24 movements represent his entire life which he devoted to furthering the education of Korea and its independence movement.


What does green belt mean?

Signifies the plant's growth as the Taekwon-Do skills begin to develop.


What is walking stance called in Korean?

Gunnun sogi


What is high section called in Korean?



What is the name of your Taekwon-Do School?

Joint Royston and Melbourn Taekwon-Do School


What is L-stance called in Korean?

Niunja sogi

6th Kup Grading

Green belt (going for blue tag)

  • 20 Press ups

  • 20 Sit ups

  • 20 Straight jumps

  • Pattern Do-San (Do-San tul)

  • Pattern Won-Hyo (Won-Hyo tul)

  • Three step sparring (Sambo matsogi)

  • Semi free sparring (Ban jayo matsogi)

  • Free sparring (Jayo matsogi)

  • Left and right side piercing kick (Yop cha jirugi)

  • Left and right turning kick (Dollyo chagi)

  • Left and right back piercing kick (Dwit cha jirugi)




What is the meaning of Won-Hyo?

Won Hyo was the noted monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year 686 A.D.


What is knife hand called in Korean?



Who founded Taekwon-Do?

Grand Master General Choi Hong Hi


What is fixed stance called in Korean?

Gojung sogi


What does Tae-Kwon-Do mean?

"Tae" means to kick or smash with the foot. "Kwon" means to punch or destroy with the hand or fist. "Do" means an art or way.


What is side kick called in Korean?

Yop cha jirugi

5th Kup Grading

Blue tag (going for blue belt)

  • 20 Press ups

  • 20 Sit ups

  • 20 Straight jumps

  • Pattern Won-Hyo (Won-Hyo tul)

  • Pattern Yul-Gok (Yul-Gok tul)

  • One step sparring (Ilbo matsogi)

  • Two step sparring (Ibo matsogi)

  • Three step sparring (Sambo matsogi)

  • Free sparring (Jayo matsogi)

  • Self-defence - releasing motions

  • Left and right side piercing kick (Yop cha jirugi)

  • Left and right turning kick (Dollyo chagi)

  • Left and right back piercing kick (Dwit cha jirugi)




What is the meaning of Yul-Gok?

Yul Gok is the pseudonym of a great philosopher and scholar Yi l (1536-1584) nicknamed the "Confucius of Korea". The 38 movements of this pattern refer to his birth place on 38 degrees latitude and the diagram represents "scholar".


What is the meaning of blue belt?

Signifies the Heaven, towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in Taekwon-Do progresses.


What is a punch called in Korean?



What is the training hall called in Korean?



What is hooking block called in Korean?

Golcho makgi


What is front elbow strike in Korean?

Ap palkup taerigi

4th Kup Grading

Blue belt (going for red tag)

  • 20 Press ups

  • 20 Sit ups

  • 20 Straight jumps

  • Pattern Yul-Gok (Yul-Gok tul)

  • Pattern Joong- Gun (Joong-Gun tul)

  • One step sparring (Ilbo matsogi)

  • Two step sparring (Ibo matsogi)

  • Three step sparring (Sambo matsogi)

  • Free sparring (Jayo matsogi)

  • Self-defence - attacking motions

  • Left and right turning kick (Dollyo chagi)

  • Left and right reverse turning kick (Bandae dollyo chagi)

  • Left and right crescent kick (Bandal chagi)

  • Left and right vertical kick (Sewo chagi)




What is the meaning of Joong-Gun?

Joong-Gun is named after the patriot Ahn joong-Gun who assassinated Hiro-Bumi Ito, the first Japanese governor-general of Korea, known as the man who played the leading part in the Korea-Japan merger. There are 32 movements in this pattern to represent Mr Ahn’s age when he was executed at Lui-Shung prison (1910).


What is rear foot stance in Korean?

Dwit bal sogi


What is upper elbow in Korean?

Wi palkup taerigi


What is front snap kick in Korean?

Ap cha busigi


What is the meaning of red belt?

Signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away.


What is reverse knife hand in Korean?

Sonkal dung


3rd Kup Grading

Red tag (going for red belt)

  • 30 Press ups

  • 30 Sit ups

  • 30 Straight jumps

  • Pattern Toi-Gye (Toi-Gye tul)

  • Pattern Joong- Gun (Joong-Gun tul)

  • One step sparring (Ilbo matsogi)

  • Two step sparring (Ibo matsogi)

  • Three step sparring (Sambo matsogi)

  • Free sparring (Jayo matsogi)

  • Self-defence (Hosin Sool)

  • Left and right side piercing kick (Yop cha jirugi)

  • Left and right turning kick (Dollyo chagi)

  • Left and right reverse turning kick (Bandae dollyo chagi)

  • Power - Choice of technique (any of the above kicks or punch or knife hand strike)




What is the meaning of Toi-Gye?

Toi-Gye is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th Century), an authority on neo-Confucianism. The 37 movements of the pattern refer to his birthplace on 37 degrees latitude, the diagram represents “scholar”.


What is the meaning of red belt?

Signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away.


What is fingertip in Korean?



What is three step sparring in Korean?

Sambo matsogi


What is turning kick in Korean?

Dollyo chagi


What is a flying kick in Korean?

Twimyo chagi


2nd Kup Grading

Red belt (going for black tag)

  • 30 Press ups

  • 30 Sit ups

  • 30 Straight jumps

  • Pattern Toi-Gye (Toi-Gye tul)

  • Pattern Hwa-Rang (Hwa-Rang tul)

  • One step sparring (Ilbo matsogi)

  • Two step sparring (Ibo matsogi)

  • Three step sparring (Sambo matsogi)

  • Free sparring (Jayo matsogi)

  • Self-defence (Hosin Sool)

  • Left and right turning kick (Dollyo chagi)

  • Left and right reverse turning kick (Bandae dollyo chagi)

  • Left and right side piercing kick (Yop cha jirugi)

  • Power - Choice of technique (any of the above kicks or punch or knife hand strike)


THEORY - 6 from 8 questions


What is the meaning of Hwa-Rang?

Is named after the Hwa-Rang youth group which originated in the Silla Dynasty in the early 7th century. The 29 movements refer to the 29th infantry Division, where Taekwon-do developed into maturity


What is the meaning of black belt?

Opposite of white, therefore, signifying the maturity and proficiency in Taekwon-Do. It also indicates the wearer’s imperviousness to darkness and fear.


What are the 6 elements in the theory of power?

Reaction Force, Concentration, Equilibrium, Breath Control, Mass, Speed


What is closed stance in Korean?

Moa sogi


What does Taekwon-do mean?

"Tae" means to kick or smash with the foot. "Kwon" means to punch or destroy with the hand or fist. "Do" means an art or way.


What is flying side piercing kick in Korean?

Twimyo yop cha jirugi


What is release from a grab called in Korean?



What is the definition of Taekwon-Do ?

To put it simply Taekwon-Do is a version of unarmed combat designed for the purpose of self-defence. It is more than just that, however. It is the scientific use of the body in the method of self-defence; a body that has gained the ultimate use of its facilities through intensive physical and mental training.


It is a martial art that has no equal in either power or technique. Though it is a martial art, its discipline, technique and mental training are the mortar for building a strong sense of justice, fortitude, humility and resolve. It is this mental conditioning that separates the true practitioner from the sensationalist, content with mastering only the fighting aspects of the art. This is one of the reasons that Taekwon-Do is called an art of self-defence. It also implies a way of thinking and life, particularly in instilling a concept and spirit of strict self-imposed discipline and an ideal of noble moral rearmament. The nearest description of it is almost a cult.


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